Once an all-boys school, Seika High, infamous for its rowdy students, has recently become a co-ed school. However, with the female population still remaining a minority even after the change over the recent years, Misaki Ayuzawa works hard to make the school a better place for girls. She puts a lot of effort into academics and athletics, and earns the trust of the teachers. Eventually, she becomes the first female student council president. Misaki has gained a reputation, among the male students body as a strict boy-hating demon dictator and as a shining hope for the teachers and fellow female students. However, despite her reputation, she secretly works part-time at a maid café in order to support her ill mom and sister by returning the huge debt their father had left them. Unfortunately, Misaki's secret is soon discovered by Takumi Usui, a popular boy at Seika High. Instead of exposing it to the school, though, Usui keeps it for himself and even becomes a regular customer at the café, much to Misaki's chagrin.
Animax later aired the series across its other respective networks worldwide, Southeast Asia, India and other regions during November 25, 2010 to December 30, 2010.
Dave Bridges as Takumi Usui, Kuuga Sakurai
Gloria Ansell as Misaki Ayuzawa, Erika Ono
Andrea Kwan as Aoi Hyoudo
Sarah Hauser as Satsuki Hyodou, Subaru, Suzuna Ayuzawa
Victor Lee as Soutarou Kanou
Emily Chang as Sonoko Kinoshita, Sakura Hanazono
Michael Pizzuto as Naoya Shirakawa
Richard Magarey as Ikuto Sarashina, Shouichirou Yukimura, Takamizawa
Scott Evans as Ryunnosuke Kurosaki, Ishida
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