

In modern-day Tokyo, Kagome Higurashi lives on the grounds of her family's Shinto shrine with her mother, grandfather, and younger brother. On her fifteenth birthday, while searching for her cat, Kagome is dragged into the enshrined Bone Eater's Well by a centipede demon that emerges from it. But rather than hit the bottom, Kagome finds herself in another universe which is parallel to her universe - but in the past, during Japan's Sengoku period. The demon was originally fifty years prior by Kikyo, a warrior priestess who was the previous keeper of the "The Jewel of Four Souls"), a powerfully magical artifact created from the sacrifice of the priestess Midoriko, which grants its holder any wish their heart desires. Kagome is revealed to be the reincarnation of the now-dead Kikyo.


Animax Voice Casts

Darren Pleavin - Inuyasha
Dave Bridges - Miroku
Andrea Kwan -  Kagome Higurashi, Kikyo
Russell Wait - Sesshomaru, Myoga and Naraku
Candice Moore - Sango, Kaede and Shippo
Rik Thomas - Totosai







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